Steps to Take if You Have Trigger Finger

So, you have been diagnosed with stenosing tenosynovitis or trigger finger. What are you going to do next? Will you ignore it because it is not life-threatening or will you take steps to address it as soon as you possibly can?

While you have the freedom to do any of the above, you need to keep it in mind that if you don’t take action quickly, the condition could deteriorate and may become difficult to treat. Presently, there are a lot of treatment options for it. But all of them may not work for you. This makes it critical for you to see or consult a specialist if you are experiencing some of its signs and symptoms so that he or she can suggest an effective treatment option for you. The specialist is likely going to recommend a non-surgical treatment option at first. If that doesn’t work, then he might suggest you sign up for a surgical treatment option for trigger thumb.

The following article by is basically a how-to guide to treating trigger finger.

Trigger finger

Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a painful condition that affects the tendons in the hand. When the finger or thumb is bent towards the palm, the tendon gets stuck and the finger clicks or locks. Read more here.

You likely now know some non-surgical ways to treat trigger finger like- corticosteroid injections, splinting, rest, and so on. You also now know some surgical treatment options and some possible complications that may occur after the procedure. But do you know how to prevent it from occurring in the first place?

The following article by Bupa shed light on some easy ways to prevent trigger finger.

How to prevent trigger finger

Trigger finger is a condition in which your finger or thumb ’catches’ or gets locked in place when you bend it. It’s not harmful, but it can be painful and a nuisance. Sometimes it recovers by itself after a few weeks but if not, some treatments can help. Read more here.

You surely now know some proven ways to prevent trigger finger and some easy steps to take if you are experiencing the early signs of the condition. But do you know that some exercises can help you address it for good? The good thing about these exercises is that they are super easy to do and are very effective.

The following article by Braceability unveils some 7 exercises to help you address trigger finger pain.

 7 Exercises to Help Ditch Your Trigger Finger Pain At Home

Trigger finger and trigger thumb are two conditions that go hand-in-hand (literally). This condition, at best, is mildly irritating and, at worst, is extremely painful and debilitating. Trigger finger occurs when your finger’s tendon sheath (the sleeve around the tendon) becomes irritated, causing inflammation. Read more here.

You likely now know some seven exercises to help address trigger finger. Keep in mind that you don’t have to go to the gym or buy a piece of expensive fitness equipment to do them. To get the most out of them, you have to learn how to do them correctly.

Final note

Trigger finger is by no means a condition that should be taken for granted, as it is very painful, and can cause serious discomfort if left untreated.

 So, if you are experiencing some of its symptoms, it is critical that you take prompt action to address it. If you don’t, the affected finger may become permanently stuck.

Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need a signup for a surgical procedure, as there are a lot of natural and non-surgical treatment options that are effective as well.